Legal Blog

How Family Lawyers Advocate for You and Your Child’s Best Interests
Navigating Family Law: How Family Lawyers Advocate for You and Your Child’s Best Interests Imagine the feeling of security that comes with knowing you have a knowledgeable and empathetic advocate to guide you through the labyrinth of family law. This is what family lawyers bring to the table for parents facing potentially life-changing custody and […]

3 Effective Tips for Managing Stress during the Family Legal Process
3 Effective Tips for Managing Stress during the Family Legal Process Navigating the complexities of the family legal process, such as custody agreements or relocation laws, can feel like a heavy burden. It’s important to remember, though, that managing stress during this challenging time isn’t just beneficial – it’s necessary. Tip 1: Prioritize Self-Care Self-care […]

Can a Grandparent seek visitation or Custody in Colorado?
In the state of Colorado, grandparents do have legal options to seek visitation or custody under certain circumstances. However, laws can change and it’s recommended to consult with an attorney or legal expert for the most up-to-date and accurate information. In Colorado, grandparents can potentially seek visitation rights if it is in the best interests […]

What is Contempt of Court?
Contempt of court in Colorado, as in many other jurisdictions, refers to a legal finding that someone has shown disrespect or disobedience towards the authority or dignity of a court. Contempt of court can be either civil or criminal, depending on the nature of the actions that led to the contempt charge. Civil Contempt: Civil […]

5 Things to Consider When Filing for Divorce in Colorado
Going through a divorce is unquestionably a challenging time for everyone involved, especially for those with children. In Colorado, there are several things to consider when filing for a divorce. Here are five key factors to keep in mind: Grounds for Divorce: In Colorado, a divorce can either be contested or undisputed. For an undisputed […]

What Financial Disclosures do I have to make in my case?
It’s important to consult with a qualified family law attorney for advice specific to your situation. In Colorado, both spouses are generally required to make full and accurate financial disclosures during a divorce. This process is known as “mandatory financial disclosure.” The financial disclosure typically includes providing information about your income, assets, debts, and expenses. […]

Do I need a Custody Expert?
Many custody cases are “he said-she said” cases, where the Court has to decide who to believe based on short testimony and presentation of evidence. For that reason, it is useful to engage a custody expert to make a report and recommendations to the Court for a more in-depth analysis of what is happening in […]

How do Courts Calculate Alimony?
In Colorado, courts consider several factors when determining whether to award alimony (also known as spousal maintenance) and how much to award. The first considerations for a Court include an assessment of the following: The amount of each party’s gross income; The marital property apportioned to each party; The financial resources of each party, including […]

What happens when a parent wants to relocate with the children?
In Colorado, if a parent wants to relocate with their children, they must follow certain legal procedures. The specific steps and requirements depend on whether the parents have a custody agreement or order in place and whether the proposed move is within the state of Colorado or out-of-state. If the parents have a custody agreement […]
How do I apply for a Protection Order in Colorado?
In Colorado, a protection order, also known as a restraining order, is a court order that aims to protect a person from harassment, abuse, or domestic violence. Here are the steps to obtain a protection order in Colorado: Determine which type of protection order you need: There are three types of protection orders in Colorado: […]